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1973 1974 1975 1976 1977-78 1979-80


Dressed to Kill/Alive tours 1975-76
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Peters 1975 costume didn't change very much (compared to Gene and Paul's). It was a black leotard with holes on the thighs and in the sides. Actually it looks very much like the leather one he was wearing for the most part of 1974, except this was made from spandex, instead of leather. The holes and cutouts for neck and arms had silver lame trimming, and the outfit also had black rhinestones.
Picture B shows a pair of black and silver snakeskin platform boots, that usually would be worn for photo sessions. It's virtually impossible to drum in platform, so Peter wore normal shoes for the concerts. Pictures C1-4 shows four different variations of these shoes, used during this period. C1 is a pair of silver leather shoes, while C2 and C3 are snakeskin shoes. The ones on C2 has black soles, while the ones on C3 also had a black top.
Picture C4 shows the C2 shoes with a silver and fur anklets, that Peter also used.
The costume in picture D is seen on a few pictures (including them taken in Cadillac in November 1975). It is a black, velvet jacket with a large cat embroided on it, and large round studs down the side. But if this were actually part of Peters costume, or just something he would wear whenever the band was filmed outside, and it was too cold, I don't know. You can also see a belt, that Peter often wore with his ordinary costume... a leather belt with silver studs, and a belt buckle shaped showing two hands holding each other.
Another buckle is seen in picture E. It's a rather basic square belt buckle made from metal.

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When the "Alive" action figures were released in the fall of 2000, a lot of fans complained over the fact, that the Peter figure had two "lion heads" with fur on each shoulder... but the 1975 costume actually had something like that. They were however not "lion heads", but just a furry stole as seen in picture F.
There were more belts... in picture G you can see a belt with a cat buckle, while the buckle in picture H looks somewhat like a Stetson hat!
There is also a variation in the cuffs Peter wore at the time. One set (seen in picture I) was a basic leather wristband with three rows of pyramid-shaped studs, while the most used, was a set of silver cuffs (seen in picture J).  
Picture I and J also shows some pins Peter would wear from time to time... I can't tell for sure but the one in picture I looks like a rose, while the one in picture J is a round pin with a star! The one with the star would turn up again on Peter's Love Gun costume!

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