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Logored-yellow1-5cmhoch.jpg (11722 Byte) TOURBOOKS

Dynasty/The Return of Kiss 1979
There are 4 different versions of this tourbook!
Version 1: "The Return of Kiss" tourbook
Version 2: 16 pages, no live-shots
Version 3: 20 pages (4 additional pages of live-shots), Paul Stanley Ibanez ad
Version 4: 20 pages, including even more live-shots, Gene Simmons Sunn ad

TheReturnOfKissTourbookCover.jpg (48050 Byte) title: The Return of Kiss
year: 1979
tour: Dynasty
pages: 16
original price: $ 4,-
value: $ 900 - 1.500 - 2.000+
comment: This is the very first edition of the "Dynasty" tourbook, sold only at the very beginning of the tour. Totally different wrap-around cover. Includes tourdates, which are completely different than they actually were. The dates printed inside the tourbook are crazy, they were about to play two shows in most cities, at Madison Square Garden even 5 shows! They soon realized, that the tour wasn't gonna be as huge as they thought it would be, so all the tourdates got rescheduled. Since the tour has not yet begun when the tourbook was printed, there are no live-shots in this very first printing of the tourbook. The major difference to the other Dynasty tourbooks is the front-cover, the back-cover and the listing of the tourdates. The credits page is also slightly different. This is by far the most sought after and most expensive tourbook!

TheReturnOfKissTourbook1.jpg (59211 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook2.jpg (65334 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook3.jpg (68871 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook4.jpg (66236 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook5.jpg (63386 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook6.jpg (71332 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook7.jpg (57535 Byte) TheReturnOfKissTourbook8.jpg (44595 Byte)

Here is an excerpt of the tourdates listed in the tourbook:

DynastyTourbookCover.jpg (46963 Byte) title: Dynasty
year: 1979
tour: Dynasty
pages: 16
original price: $ 4,-
value: $ 30 - 50 - 80
comment: This is the first real "Dynasty" tourbook, only 16 pages, since this tourbook was sold at the beginning of the tour, it did not include any live-shots yet; includes Paul Stanley ad for Ibanez

DynastyTourbook1.jpg (64220 Byte) DynastyTourbook2.jpg (66224 Byte) DynastyTourbook3.jpg (69058 Byte) DynastyTourbook4.jpg (74242 Byte) DynastyTourbook5.jpg (63926 Byte) DynastyTourbook6.jpg (72056 Byte) DynastyTourbook7.jpg (57598 Byte) DynastyTourbook8.jpg (49487 Byte)

DynastyTourbookCover.jpg (46963 Byte) title: Dynasty
year: 1979
tour: Dynasty
pages: 20
original price: $ 4,-
value: $ 30 - 50 - 80
comment: Same tourbook as above, but 4 pages of live-shots have been added, has 20 pages; includes Paul Stanley ad for Ibanez; was available in the USA & Canada

TourbookDynastyVersion3-1.jpg (74616 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-2.jpg (72160 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-3.jpg (65718 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-4.jpg (69135 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-5.jpg (74613 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-6.jpg (62552 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-7.jpg (71751 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-8.jpg (78612 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion3-9.jpg (64853 Byte) DynastyTourbook8.jpg (49487 Byte)

DynastyTourbookCover.jpg (46963 Byte) title: Dynasty
year: 1979
tour: Dynasty
pages: 20
original price: $ 4,-
value: $ 30 - 50 - 80
comment: This is the final version of this tourbook, has 20 pages including even more live-shots; includes Gene Simmons ad for Sunn instead of the Paul ad; was available in the USA & Canada

TourbookDynastyVersion4-1.jpg (81830 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-2.jpg (73721 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-3.jpg (77840 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-4.jpg (76425 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-5.jpg (75279 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-6.jpg (68159 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-7.jpg (80795 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-8.jpg (74940 Byte) TourbookDynastyVersion4-9.jpg (64635 Byte) DynastyTourbook8.jpg (49487 Byte)

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