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November 25, 2002
Expo with Special Guest Eric Singer will take place at the Zeche in Bochum this Sunday.
There are plenty of tickets available on the day of the Expo after 2.30 pm.
The Q & A will take place now at 4 pm, one hour earlier than scheduled. This change
had to be done just to make sure, that there is enough time, that everybody will be able
to get a signature and a photo with Eric at the sign-session afterwards.
There are prices for the best make-up/costume and the best KISS Tattoo. There is also a
price for the person who had the longest travel to the Expo.
November 24, 2002
In the
December-issue of "Classic Rock" there is a full page about the KISS
condoms in the news-section.
November 21, 2002
(from www.kissarmynorway.com)
Bruce Kulick is
coming to Norway next week to join the metal festival 1001WATT in Skien from 28-30th of
November. He will be joining a KISS-cover band for a live performance, do a signing
session and do his first ever guitar clinic in Scandinavia. He will
also meet the Norwegian press, and on Monday Bruce will be live on National
radio at Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK P3. Fans around the world can
listen to him live on the net as well. The program is called
"Musikkmisjonen" and air local time 10.00pm. Los Angeles time 1.00pm and
New York time at 4.00pm.
You can listen live here.
can also read more about the festival in English at www.1001watt.as.
November 20, 2002
(from Russel)
Paul/Gene will be in New York City on Tuesday Dec 3rd at Virgin
Records here in Manhattan. Signing Copies of there new book of early Kiss photos.
November 18, 2002
In the
December-issue of the German "Hammer" you will find a 3-page interview
with Bruce Kulick, and in the German "FHM" a 2-page interview with Gene Simmons.
November 13, 2002
(from crashnbernn@yahoo.com)
Bet you didn't know that Paul Stanley of Kiss performed at a $2500 a
plate benefit last night (Nov 12) entitled "42nd & Vine . . . Hollywood Hits
Broadway". It took place at the Walfdorf Hotel in NYC. It was to raise money to
create the Jay Monahan Center for Gastrointestinal Health at New York-Presbyterian
Hospital. Paul performed a song "Quintet" from West Side Story. Stars included,
Robin Williams, Susan
Sarandon, Meryl Streep, Kelsey Grammar, Josh Groban, Beyoncé Knowles, Kevin Kline, Bette
Midler, Rita Moreno, Chita Rivera, Amy Grant, Vince Gill, Tony Danza, Jesse L. Martin,
Davis Gaines, Heather Headley, Rebecca Luker as well as "Sopranos" cast members
Sirico, John Ventimiglia, Steve Schirripa and Federico Castelluccio. I have some extra
programs from the event if interested!
November 7, 2002
is nominiated for the 2002
Online Music Awards as the best Fanpage!
You can vote for KISS NEWS at www.onlinemusicawards.de (the site can
also be viewed in English). You have to vote for all categories. Everybody who is voting
will take part in giveaways of free DVD's, CD's and tickets. Deadline for voting is
November 25, 2002.
November 4, 2002
As it looks like, the Expo in Bochum might become the biggest Expo in Germany so far. No
matter what, there will still be enough tickets available at the door on Sunday, December
1st at 2.30 pm. at the Zeche in Bochum.
There will be international dealers from various countries selling all kind of
merchandise, some people are reported to be selling their collections. There will be about
50 - 60 tables of merhandise, the venue will be filled with dealers and merchnadise old
and new. The KISS FAN SHOP alone will have about 40 tables.
Everything is concentrating on one single event instead of a full tour. Usually the
KISS FAN SHOP organizes a full Eurpean tour of Expos, but since Eric is on tour with Alice
Cooper (for Tourdates see www.alicecooper.com )
and only has some spare time on just one Sunday in between shows, there will be only one
Expo taking place organized by the KISS FAN SHOP. Eric is doing more Expos than the one in
Bochum, but please take notice, that these have absolutely nothing to do with the KISS FAN
SHOP who organized the previous Expo-tours in Europe. The KISS FAN SHOP will only have
tables at the Expo in Bochum and nowhere else.
You may ask Eric whatever you want at the question-answer-session. How did he find out,
that he is back in Kiss again? And will he be in the band again at the next tour? How was
that show in Jamaica with Tommy Thayer replacing Ace Frehley, and why did Kiss change
their opinion and had him wearing Peters make-up instead of his own?
November 2, 2002
(from Kiss Kollector Fanclub)
Sean Delaney, who was one of the creative forces behind KISS from
1973-1982, will make his one and only European appearance at the November 11 KISS Expo in
Holland (at De Kade in Zaandam). Not only will he sign autographs and pose for photos with
the KISS fans, he will also tell his side of the story on what has been going on behind
the scenes during the wild seventies. All the good shit, and all the bad shit - from the
groundbreaking Alive! album to the inner band troubles, and from the incredible
promotional campaigns to the maffia influence. Sean Delaney has been working on his
autobiography for years and is looking at an early 2003 release. Tentatively titled Sean
Delaney's Hellbox, the cover (see scan) features great artwork by Roy Young,
an old friend of Sean's who has worked for McFarlane (Spawn) and Lady Death, Evil Ernie
comic books as a colorist and illustrator.
November 2, 2002
(from Kiss Kollector Fanclub)
Recently a rumor went all over Europe about a
possible European KISS Tour in April of next year, but this appears to be very, very
unlikely as the band seems to be planning a USA Tour for April/May 2003. According to one
of our sources, the band wants the tour to kick off in the first week of April, so it's
impossible to play in Europe then. The European rumor was caused by a vague report in
Belgian media about a motor race festival in some bad area of Belgium where supposedly the
real KISS would be playing at a 4.000 seat venue (which obviously is very unlikely,
as we can all imagine KISS will play a much bigger venue on their last Belgian date) with
tickets reportedly only going on sale on the day of the concert...
November 2, 2002
The report in a Belgium newspaper about a possible Kiss
concert in April is most likely incorrect. Meanwhile KISS NEWS has received a phone call
from the manager of Hungarian KISS cover band "KISS Forever" saying, that they
will play at that show in Belgium. The newspaper probably has mixed up Kiss and the cover
band. The German promoter also told KISS NEWS, that there are no plans for a German tour
right now. Obviously Kiss would also be playing in Germany, if they play a concert in