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Kiss.JPG (12730 Byte) Hottherthanhell.JPG (25740 Byte) Dressedtokill.JPG (13420 Byte) Destroyer.JPG (18894 Byte)
Nothin' to lose

Cold Gin
Let me know
Love theme from Kiss
100.000 years
Black Diamond
Got to choose
Goin' blind
Hotter than hell
Let me go, Rock and Roll

Watchin' you
Comin' home
Strange ways
Room Service
Two Timer
Rock bottom

C'mon and love me
Anything for my baby

Love her all I can
Rock and Roll all nite (1)

Rock and Roll all nite (2)
Detroit Rock City (1)
Detroit Rock City (2)
Kingof the night time world
God of thunder (1)

God of thunder (2)
Shout it out loud
Beth (1)

Beth (2)
Beth (3)
Do you love me
cleardot.gif (53 Byte)
RockandRollOver.JPG (30922 Byte) LoveGun.JPG (20407 Byte) Alive2.JPG (21136 Byte) AceSolo.JPG (12570 Byte)
I want you (1)
I want you (2)
Take me
Calling Dr. Love
Mr. Speed
Hard luck women
Makin' love
I stole your love
Christine 16
Shock me
Love Gun (1)

Love Gun (2)
Plaster caster

Then she kissed me
Rocket ride New York Groove
cleardot.gif (53 Byte)
PaulSolo.JPG (13271 Byte) Dynasty.JPG (17854 Byte) Unmasked.JPG (27876 Byte) TheElder.JPG (19164 Byte)
Tonight you belong to me I was made for lovin' you
2.000 man
Sure know something
Magic touch
Save your love
Easy as it seems
Is that you?
Naked city
Talk to me
Just a boy
Only you
Under the rose
Dark light
A world without heroes
The Oath
cleardot.gif (53 Byte)
Killers.JPG (20081 Byte) Creatures.JPG (19170 Byte) Lickitup.JPG (17293 Byte) Animalize.JPG (22494 Byte)
I'm a legend tonight
Partners in crime
Creatures of the night
Rock and Roll hell
I love it loud
I still love you
War machine
Lick it up
Gimme more
A million to one (1)
A million to one (2)
I've had enough (Into the fire)
Heaven's on fire

Thrills in the night
cleardot.gif (53 Byte)
Asylum.JPG (22687 Byte) CrazyNights.JPG (23345 Byte) Smashes.JPG (19728 Byte) Hits.jpg (15224 Byte)
King of the mountain
Who wants to be lonely (1)
Who wants to be lonely (2)
Tears are falling
Crazy crazy nights
Reason to live
Turn on the night
(You mame me) Rock Hard Forever (1)
Forever (2)
Forever (3)
You love me to hate you
cleardot.gif (53 Byte)
Revenge.JPG (16480 Byte) MTVUnplugged.JPG (27278 Byte) CarnivalofSouls.JPG (23272 Byte) PsychoCircus.JPG (20675 Byte)
Take it off
God gave Rock and Roll to you

I just wanna
Beth Hate Psycho Circus (1)
Psycho Circus (2)
Into the void

Vielen Dank an Jean-Frederic Vachon, der uns einige seiner Midis zur Verfügung gestellt hat.

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